Wojciech Przybylski
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Wojciech Przybylski is the editor-in-chief of Visegrad Insight and chairman of Res Publica Foundation in Warsaw, a media think tank with a focus on civil society, innovation and security in CEE. Previously, he has been the editor-in-chief of Eurozine - a Vienna based magazine with a European network of cultural journals, and a Polish quarterly Res Publica Nowa. He leads the 'New Europe 100' network of successful digital age leaders from CEE across the fields of business, research media, NGO and public administration, and serves as a member of the advisory board of the European Forum of New Ideas and the European Digital Forum. Mr Przybylski has been a lecturer at the Warsaw University, a guest lecturer at Pázmány Péter Catholic University in Budapest and a junior research fellow at CEFRES in Prague. His expertise includes European foreign policy and political culture. He has been published in Project Syndicate, Foreign Policy, Politico Europe, Journal of Democracy, EUObserver, VoxEurop, Hospodarske noviny, Internazzionale, Zeit, Gazeta Wyborcza and several others. In 2017, Mr Przybylski co-edited a Routledge book 'Understanding Central Europe'.